Thursday, December 29, 2005

5 Month Appointment

So today was the best ultrasound yet. Our normal OB referred us to another OB for this appointment. We weren't really sure why, or what to expect, but we are so glad she sent us. The doctor today spent a little more time going over every detail. He measured arms, legs, head, belly, everything really. He checked the brain size and kidneys. He showed us the blood going in and out of the heart. He checked the mouth to be sure that there was not risk of cleft. He even counted all of the fingers and toes. It gets even cooler though, not only was the appointment more detailed, but they did a lot of the pictures in 3D, and we were able to get a video. They gave us a small clip of the 3D (see link on the right) as well as a VHS of the entire scan.

The baby is healthy and strong and on schedule for May 17th delivery. The best part of all, in the video it looks like the baby is laughing. It is such an awesome thing to see. I did not expect it at all, and have found myself opening it up and showing everyone every chance I had all day. The doctor also said the baby looks like it has my nose. I think it looks like it has Tim's mouth and chin. I can't wait to see it in May. I am getting so excited.

Here are a few of the 3D stills we got today...