Wednesday, April 05, 2006

34 down - 6 to go

So yesterday was a pretty busy and exciting day for Tim and I.

Tim did a race on Sunday and got bit by something on his leg. The bite did not want to heal so we started out our day with him going to the doctor to get his bite checked out. Turns out it was a yellow jacket. The doctor gave him some medicine, so hopefully it will heal soon.

As you all know, Tim does triathlons. Last year and the year before he was sponsored by Amino Vital. They were okay, but he wanted a sponsor that was more involved. So this year he decided not to renew with Amino and instead he applied for Snickers Marathon and Polar. He heard back from Polar a couple weeks ago and was in the final round. He did a phone interview and it really looked promising. They were supposed to have the decision made by now, but sent out a notice that they needed more time and it would be later in April before Tim would know for sure. He never heard back from Snickers so we just assumed that they had gone with someone else. Anyway, when he got back to work from the doctor’s office he had word that he had been accepted by Snickers. Very exciting! Polar was still up in the air as well. How fantastic that he is doing so well in his sport that he could be able to pick between sponsors. He has 10 days to let Snickers know, and Polar was expected to decide in 10-20 days. Tim sent Polar an email explaining his situation and asking them if they could let him know early. They replied back today saying he was accepted. I am so happy for Tim. He gets to choose between Polar & Snickers, both are great sponsors.

I have not been sleeping well lately, I just can’t get comfortable. So I decided to try a pregnant massage. I went yesterday afternoon, and what a great idea! I wasn’t sure what to expect, but they basically have you lay on your side instead of your belly and they work out all the tension in your back and neck. They also work on your feet, legs, hands and arms. That was nice; it really helped relieve some of the swelling I have been having lately. The only bad part was that I had to go back to work after it was done :(

At 4:15 Tim and I went to the OB for our regular appointment. We have one more in 2 weeks, and then we go to a weekly schedule. After taking the hospital tour Saturday and reading up on a bunch of stuff he and I had a lot of questions for he doctor. The doctor answered all of our questions and took a look at the baby. I am so SHOCKED at what she told us. I hit 34 weeks yesterday, 6 more to go. As of yesterday the baby is 6 pounds, 9 ounces!!!! I have already hit 162 myself (37 pounds gained!!!). I haven’t measured my waist in a while, I should do that. Our last appointment, just over 2 weeks ago the baby was 4 pounds 15 ounces. So he/she is really growing fast now. They measure the head, femur, and belly. Each of the measurements will project a due date (they don’t change ours). The due date that is projected is based on the current size and average size at birth. Then they average out the dates and say the baby is the average size for a baby due on that date. Last time the baby was average for a baby due on 5/3. Yesterday the baby was average for a baby due on 4/20 or 4/27 (I don’t remember which was the average). So, long story short, I am having a BIG baby. The doctor isn’t worried though, she said we just keep going as we are, and when it gets closer she will determine if it is too big to deliver naturally or not. Either way, I trust her. She is a good doctor and I am sure she will decide to go with the safest delivery method for both the baby and me.

After our doctor appointment we had our first of 2 birthing classes. Each on is 3 hours long. It was good though, I am glad we are taking them. The class was set up for 7 couples, but only 4 made it. Weather here is horrible this week so the other 3 must have gotten stuck in the weather/traffic. Out of the 4 couples that were there, 3 of us are delivering at St. Johns. There were 2 due on 5/15, 1 on 5/20 and then us on 5/17. 2 couples knew they were having a boy, but us and 1 other couple were waiting to find out. 3 out of the 4 were also first time parents. The instructor is a RN – Labor Nurse at St. John’s. It’s very possible she will be there when we deliver. I really liked her. She has been doing this for 16 years, and she really knows what she is talking about. I guess over 16 years you get to see just about everything. We went over the basics yesterday, what to expect, when to go to the hospital, different stages of labor, etc. Next week we go back for part 2 where we will do some exercises and stretches and stuff to help with labor pains, we will learn more about special deliveries (c-sections and such) and continue to go over what we need to do and what we will be going through. It’s really good for Tim to see and hear all of this too. He knows most of it already, but the instructor told the dad’s what to watch for and how to tell when they should just take us to the hospital if we are being brats about stuff. Not that I would ever be a brat :)

We got home just before 10, had some dinner and watched some TV and then I went to bed. Tim still had to work some; it was a really long day for him. But all in all, it was a good day for both of us. We have a nice quiet weekend coming up. Other than getting my hair trimmed we have nothing planned at all. We have to take advantage of these last few down times while we still have them.