Thursday, November 30, 2006


Casey had a nice visit with her Cappy. My mom came in for Thanksgiving and stayed for a few days to spend some time with Casey. On Wednesday before the holiday Casey had her 7 month shots (with the second half of her flu shot). She had never had a bad reaction to the shots, but on Thursday she was so sick. She had a high fever, she wouldn't stop crying. No matter what we did, what we gave her, nothing seemed to help. We were about to take her into the ER when she finally fell asleep around 6 that evening. We felt bad. My mom had fixed a wonderful meal, and she wanted to splay with Casey, but instead of us all enjoying dinner and the baby Tim and I ate in shifts while the other laid in bed with Casey trying to calm her down. Luckily she was doing better on Friday so my mom was able to hold her and stuff.

Casey had an ortho appointment on Tuesday this week. Tim and I wanted to talk with the head guy about how frustrated we are with the current plan for Casey's legs. They keep getting worse, and it seemed as if no one was willing to do anything. After pleading our case, and preparing for battle, we were happily surprised that we did not have to battle at all. The doctor heard us out, answered all our questions, and then was very cooperative in coming up with a new, more aggressive approach. Unfortunately with the holiday's going on, we are not able to get her back in to start on the new plan until the end of January. But we feel much better knowing that someone is finally going to do something. The doctor said that her case does not fit the standard for Botox, but that he thinks we should try it. He is going to have his Botox person reevaluate Casey, and if she still won't do it, he said he would do it himself. We will give the Botox a little time to see if it helps (hopefully it will). But if it does not he has other more invasive (surgical) options that we can pursue if we need to. Hopefully the Botox will do the trick.

HBOT was closed for the Holiday and then Casey had doctor's appointments, so she ended up being out for a full week. She and I started back up on Wednesday. She is still doing really well. We drug her before hand to keep her calm, so we get in the chamber and she goes right to sleep. She has been getting louder and louder lately, and she has been a little more fussy than normal. We think her body may be going through some positive changes (possibly due to HBOT) and the changes are scaring and confusing her. She is starting to move her mouth a little and her chin. I am wishing for her to smile for my Christmas gift this year.

We have our normal GI next week, and HBOT of course, but other than that we have a pretty slow December. I am looking forward to a nice slow month. October and November have been a bit crazy around here. I hope everyone is doing well.