Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Back Home

Tim came home on Thursday evening. He was sent home with a lot of pain, but he was able to get out of bed, eat and all of the things he has to do so they said he was able to go home. Megan left Thursday morning and Molly came out in her place that night. Theresa decided to extend her trip through Sunday. I don't know what we were thinking to assume that we could handle that on our own. Thank goodness we had family come out to help. Casey has always been a full time job, and up until just the past day or two Tim had become a full time job as well.

Tim is doing much better. He was able to get into the shower yesterday. He has also been coming downstairs (alone) a few times during the day. He is still heavily medicated, but that's to be expected. We went yesterday and bought a recliner so he has a place to sit comfortably downstairs. It will be delivered tomorrow. I know he misses being near Casey all day so he will be much happier downstairs. It will be easier for me as well to have them in the same room. Running up and down the stairs all day is hard work.

Tim has a few appointments next week, but all in all we are just taking it slow. Each day he is a little stronger than the one before. Hopefully in a few weeks he can get around on his own.