Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Back Surgery

Tim had his back surgery yesterday. The surgery went really well. They took him back around 7:30 AM and told me they would be back in 2 hours. I ran home while Tim's mom (Theresa)stayed at the hospital and I was heading back up at 9:00 when Theresa called me to say he was already done and they doctor came out to let her know things went well. Then he was to be in recovery until noon. So I was going to go back up at 11:00 when again Theresa called just before 11:00 and said they were moving him to his room. So the surgery went well and everything was moving ahead of schedule.

Tim had a lot of pain. Megan (my sister) and I took Casey up to visit him for a while last night. I talked to Tim this morning and he did get some sleep, but he is still having a bit of pain. I am about to head back up for a visit with Casey. Hopefully they will let him start drinking and maybe eating again today. They did hear some slight bowel sounds last night so I am pretty sure he will at least get something to drink today. The funny thing is that a lot of the meds he is getting are the same ones Casey is on. Those 2 are more alike every day :)

I will try to post again when we know when he is coming home. Right now we are guessing it will be Wednesday, but nothing is confirmed just yet.