Monday, September 24, 2007


First of all I need to say thank you to all of Casey's supporters. The response to her new website has been nothing short of amazing. We really appreciate everyones support. We have the last few features online now. Be sure to sign the guestbook to let Casey know you were here.

Now on to Casey news...
Casey has finally hit 20 pounds! We had a GI appointment on Wednesday and they were very impressed. We had not seen her normal GI doctor in a while and when he came in and saw her the first thing he said was "Hello little gordita." Casey has been doing really great with her food and it shows.

Yesterday Casey and Cathleen (her respit nurse) got to hang out for a few hours. They played really hard. When Tim and I came home Casey crashed.

We have a very busy week this week. With surgery coming up in just over a week we have a ton of preop stuff going on. We have to meet with pulmonary, anesthesia, ortho, and of course all of her regular therapies. I guess being busy is a good thing. It will keep my mind off of the surgery for a little while. I am really starting to stress about it, but I am sure everything will go well. On a good note, they did confirm that they could do Casey's ear tubes during the same time. That means one less anesthesia.

Other than preop stuff we are going to just try to relax a little. I will post more after we have finished up preop and are getting ready for the surgery. I hope everyone is doing well.