Saturday, October 13, 2007


Casey seems to be very happy to be home. She is starting to get back to her usual self. She has found a way to roll her upper body so she can still get her face smooshed into things. We have figured out ways that we can hold her with out hurting her. As anyone who knows Casey will tell you, she is a huge cuddler. Her first night home she had a hard time getting comfortable. When the meds didn't seem to do the trick we picked her up and she went right to sleep. Last night was a little better. She woke up a few times in pain, but not as many as the night before. We still have her pretty doped up to try and reduce her pain as much as possible. Hopefully over the next few days her pain will let up more so we can slowly start cutting down on the meds.

We take Casey in for a follow up with Ortho on Thursday afternoon. Her doctor has an office in Beverly Hills as well as Children's. We are going to do all of her follow up stuff in the BH office so we don't have to drive as far.

We will post more updates soon.