Last weekend one of my oldest friends came by with her family. I had not seen her in years. It was really nice to see them and catch up. Her family is growing so fast. Rachel is 14 in April, Avery is already in school, and little Owen was sitting up and full of personality. I have known Becky since early High School years. Somehow she had not even met Tim yet. Every time I have seen her in the past 7+ years for what ever reason Tim was never with me. Becky and her husband, Robert joked that they were starting to think I made Tim up :)
Jason and Elizabeth came by today. Elizabeth is just starting to show. We are so happy for them. They are going to have a little girl. No name yet. Casey was really good while they were here. She woke up when she heard them come in and she stayed awake most of the time. She got a little fussy right before they left, but she was hungry so as soon as we plugged her food back in she was back to being happy.It has been really nice being back in Austin where we can spend time with friends. Casey is meeting new people all the time.
We are starting to plan Casey's big 2nd birthday party. It is going to be lots of fun. Since Casey loves elephants I think we are going to have a Horton themed party. I think Casey will have a lot fun. So far a lot of friends and family will be able to come. Even Grandma Barnes is coming all the way from Indiana.
We have a busy couple of weeks coming up. We head to Houston on Friday to meet the last of Casey's doctors. We have a noon appointment with her ortho then plan on heading back to Austin. We are looking forward to meeting the new ortho. Saturday and Sunday we have to get as much done as possible to get ready for visitors and her party later in April. Monday Tim is doing a lunch presentation about his job and travels at my grandparents church. If Casey is up to it we will all go, if not it will just be Tim. Then on the 1st I have to get some more labs done before my surgery scheduled on the 2nd. I am not sure how long I will be on told not to do stuff so I have to get as much done for her party before the 2nd as possible.
I went to see the OB/GYN that did my emergency ectopic back in 2003. When I filled her in on all of the things that have been going on since she was shocked. I told her about the adhesions I have been dealing with since having Casey and that as much as I wanted to get them fixed timing just never worked out. She is getting me in to fix them and while she is in there she is going to tie off my remaining tube. She is actually going to destroy it she said. She said that it is not a good idea for me to get pregnant again. We agree with her (sadly) and know it is best to be sure that we don't put Casey or myself at any additional risk. Before I go in on the 2nd she sent me to GI to get some test run to be sure that the affects of the adhesions had not led to any other complications. Last week I had to go in for a colonoscopy. I was put under (thank goodness) and it was not that bad. I was sore for a couple of day after from where they were a little rough, but other than that it was fine. I have heard the tubal ligation is painful, but I expect it to be a lot like my appendectomy. I should be up and around pretty quick.
We will be pretty busy next weekend so I may not have a chance to post. If not I will post after I recover from my surgery. We hope everyone has a wonderful Easter.