Sunday, May 04, 2008


Casey seems to be getting over her pneumonia. She is still a little more junky than normal, and sleepy, but overall she is doing really well. She and I spent the morning in her playroom listening to all her favorite songs and playing with all the new toys she got for her birthday. She was having a great time. After a few hours she could barely stay awake so we had to take a break.

Tim did a race this morning in Smithville. This was his first race since Casey was born. I wish Casey and I could have gone to root him on. I am sure someday soon she will be strong enough for us all to go. Until then we will just root him on from home. He is doing the Austin tri in a few weeks. Right now the only other race he has signed up for is the Chicago tri at the end of the summer. I am sure he will do a few in between, but he has not picked them out just yet. Training here in Austin is much warmer than training in Santa Monica. He is trying to do as much early as he can so he isn't out in the heat of the day. I am glad he has gotten back into it.

Tomorrow Casey has a full morning. We have an EEG (just routine) then meet with her neuro (also routine). This will take most of the morning I am sure. This is the only thing we have outside of regular therapies this week.

We ordered a new stroller that works a lot better than what we had. We are still working on getting the fancy stroller/chair in. There are a bunch of custom parts that we are having to wait on. Hopefully we will have it soon, but I don't know when just yet. We are working on getting a stander and bath chair too. I will post more details and pictures as we get everything in. We hope everyone is doing well.