Poor Casey is going to have to wait to see her ENT. I called Monday morning to try and get her in this week instead of our previous date next week. I was told that they were going to call me that day already to reschedule, but not for earlier for later. The doctor is going out of town and can't get her in this week or next. We can't get her in until the first week in August. She seems to be a little less fussy today. She has been having good days and bad days. As long as we stay on top of things I think she should be okay to wait.
Since Tim is on vacation this week and next I decided to take advantage of having him around. A friend of mine from grade school recently became a dentist. She has been saying she was going to be one since we were little girls and she went through with it. I needed a dentist in town and was due for a checkup and cleaning. I went in to see her today then afterward we had lunch. It was really nice to see her and catch up. If anyone in the Austin area is in need of a dentist you should give her a call. She did a really good job and has a really nice office. Tell her we sent you and you can get the VIP treatment. Dr. Rydel 2304 Hancock Dr Ste 1
Tim has been enjoying his one on one time with Casey. I am going to let them hang out Saturday afternoon so I can go visit my grandparents. She likes to sing along while he plays 'Guitar Hero'. It's really cute. She has always loved stories. Now she is starting to read to herself. She likes us to prop up one of her books in front of her. She will stare at the page for a little while then tell us when she is ready to change the page.
Not much else to report right now. Casey is doing well with her stander and chair. Hopefully we can get to the pool a few times while Tim is off work.