Tim got home around 11 last night. He was exhausted from traveling. It sounds like he had a really fun weekend in Chicago. He got to spend some time with family and friends. He did great on his swim and started out great on the bike. He had a bit of a spill about half way through the bike course. He is okay, just a little banged up. He walked his bike back to the transition area and waited for his brother (who also had a flat tire on the course). They finished the run together. I have been tyring to get the
webcast of them crossing the finish line, but there seems to be a problem on the site. Hopefully they will get it fixed soon. We will post pictures of the race and his trip soon.

Casey and I had a busy weekend too. My mom and John came in on Saturday and stayed until Sunday afternoon. My grandparents came over on Sunday for lunch too. Casey was a little angel all weekend. She read her stories, did some playing, and got lots of attention. She was so good, she was not fussy at all.
Casey tried really hard to wait up for Tim to get back last night. She ended up giving up and crashing around the time Megan left to pick him up. When he came in she was totally out. This morning when she woke up she got to hang out with Daddy for a little bit. She is such a Daddy's girl.
Casey's nurse is here today. We had to go over to the clinic this morning to have some routine labs drawn. That is NEVER fun. Casey is so stiff that it is really hard for people to draw blood. The guy that I was told to ask for was not there today. The 2 ladies that were there were nice, but they had a hard time. Casey was really upset. We got her home and she is just relaxing now. Poor baby, I hate having to have labs done.
We don't have a lot going on this week. Casey meets her new vision teacher on Thursday. That's about it for Casey's calendar this week (other than usual therapies).