We talked to the doctor about the spasticity clinic. Since she is the main neuro in the clinic she told us that Casey would not really get any additional benefit that she is not getting already by seeing her during regular clinic hours. She does want us to try a new medication. Since Casey has not responding to the spasticity meds she wants us to try something new. Recently they have started giving kids like Casey a medication that was previously just used for Parkinson's. She said that many of the kids have seen good results. Tim is going out this afternoon and will get it filled. It would be great if this can loosen up Casey's legs some. Other than the new meds there is not really anything to report. We will start out with a small dose and work our way up to a full dose. We won't likely have updates on how Casey responds for at least a couple of weeks.
Casey is hanging out with her nurse today. She has speech later today. Casey had a fun weekend. She got to hang out and watch the Olympics with Daddy. We had some people over on Saturday and she always loves company. School starts back up soon. With the kids back in school the pool should be less crowded so maybe we can get some trips in to the pool soon.