I blinked and somehow lost a full week. That keeps happening. Tim has gone back to work. I really got used to having him around all day. Sadly he ended up having to go back to work on his birthday. We celebrated on Thursday though, so it was not too bad.
Casey's pulmonary doctor called Wednesday. We had gone in a few weeks back to get a well culture (a baseline to show the doctor the bacteria that Casey has on a good day in her respiratory system). Anyway, the doctor's office called to say they reviewed the test and that Casey had some bacteria that she should not. They wanted to start her on a special medicine called Tobi. We have to give her this medicine through a breathing treatment twice a day. It takes 20-30 minutes to give it to her, but it doesn't seem to bother her at all. We will do this for 28 days, then 2 weeks after the 28th day we have to go in for another test.
Casey has been working hard in her therapies. She has really been trying to move her arms more this past week. She has been doing her stander in the mornings and her chair in the afternoon too. Some days she tolerates them better than others. We just found out last week that her vision teacher has taken another job. Her last session with Casey will be next week then we will start working with a new girl. Hopefully Casey likes her and takes to her quickly.
On Saturday I went to a birthday party for an old friend of mine. Her little boy Owen was turning 1. I had not seen some of her family in 10+ years. I couldn't stay long. It was great to visit with them for a while. Everyone wanted to hear all about Casey. It was an outside party and it was HOT. There was no way Casey would have gone for it. She is not adjusted to the Texas heat just yet. I guess she is still a California girl.
We have ENT on Friday. I am pretty sure Casey's right ear tube is out of her drum. We should find out on Friday if they think she needs to have another pair placed.
We had a nice surprise today. Around 8:30 this morning my mom called. My brother had been visiting her in Houston with his oldest son. They were supposed to fly back to Minnesota this morning. However, with the hurricane approaching the Houston area many flights were being canceled including theirs. He has to get back for work so they managed to get them onto a flight out of Austin this afternoon instead. So my mom called to say they were coming over. Casey got to meet another uncle and cousin. My grandparents came over as well. We woke up expecting a quiet day and ended up having a busy day. Casey loves visitors. I brought the camera down and then totally forgot to grab it while they were here. It was a short last minute visit, but it was really nice to see them.