Monday, January 26, 2009

Feeling Better

Luckily what ever had Casey feeling bad last week was a quick bug. She was out for a little more than a day then she was back to causing trouble. I hate when she is sick.

Casey has been doing really good with her hands. She is using them more and more every day. The other night I was getting her shoes on for bed (we call her splints shoes). Normally Casey does not have a reflex to things. However, the other night she was very relaxed and every time I touched her feet she would reflex with curling her toes or moving her foot. It was a really big deal. She has gotten really good at picking us her hand and moving it around to explore her toys too. Used to she would leave it where ever you put it. She has a little elephant (of course) that has 6 buttons. She will move hand to the different buttons to get different sounds. It really is exciting to see her using her hands more.

We had Casey's yearly ECI review last week and the start of what I guess will be many meetings to get her transitioned to the school system in a few months. Everything went well. All of her therapist reviewed her progress from last year and were all so impressed/proud of how far she has come. We set some new goals that will move with her to the new therapists. Then of course there was a mountain of paperwork to go through. I still have some to do, but we got a lot done during the meeting.

I spent the past few weeks getting letters from all of Casey's doctors stating the medical necessity for Casey to have a nurse. I am hoping now that we have the letters and I have given copies to the people that need them that we can soon get some additional hours covered each week.

We have still been getting settled into the digs. I love being a home owner. It just feels so great to know we can do what we need to for Casey and for us. We have been doing a lot to get Casey's room all fixed up. I think we are just about done in her room. It is so cute; so girly. We start the next round of doctors visits in February and it runs into March. We will be pretty busy getting all of Casey's doctor visits done. Her Ortho (March) mentioned he wants to do a serious of xrays on her next visit. He wants to check her hips and get a good look at her spine. Those are never fun. I think she is about due for another EEG as well. The EEG's are not hard, they are just long and all the stuff they use to stick the electrodes on her head make a nasty mess. Other than that I am sure we will have to get labs drawn and height and weight and all that good stuff. So anyway, busy few months coming up. I will be sure to post any updates as we get them.

We hope everyone is doing well and staying warm.