Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What a Day

So Casey had a GI appointment today. No big deal. We went in and overall everything went pretty good. Casey has still been really leaking around her GTube. Also, the wound around the tube still won't heal. The doctor ordered a bigger size. I really hope that does the trick. We had to get some blood work done. After we left the doctor on the second floor we went up to the third to get her labs drawn. The lab was insane. There were so many people and kids just yelling and going crazy. Then a kid would come out screaming from being poked. It was a mad house.

We finally made it to the back. The tech had a hard time (as usual) getting blood from Casey. He was able to get it in the second poke, but each poke was pretty long and drawn out. We have to stay on top of labs, especially with all the meds she is on, but I really hate getting them drawn.

After the lab we loaded up the car to head home. We stopped real quick to grab a late lunch on the way home. When we got home Tim had left some of his tools in the garage. I didn't see a hose and crushed it with the van.

I can not believe what I did next. We have had a GTube on Casey since she was 1 month old (almost 3 full years now). I have always heard people talk about them getting ripped out and popping and all the other things that can happen. We are SOOO careful with Casey's. She had on her extension (a line from the GTube that plugs into food and medicine sources) and I was pretty sure I had moved it to her lap. I don't know what happened. I picked her up out of her car seat and felt wet on my leg. I looked down to see her food making a big mess. When I looked closer I saw I had somehow pulled the entire thing out. OMG!!! Panic!!!!

Tim had come out to help us unload and so he and Maritza got her stuff and I just rushed her to the couch. She never really yelled. It wasn't bleeding either. She looked and seemed fine. Luckily we had an extra GTube. We got the extra one open and put it in. We will keep an eye on it over the next couple of days to be sure it's okay. So far so good. I just can't believe I did that. We are always so careful to avoid that very thing.

The fortunate part of the accident is that since she has been having so many issues lately I had actually deflated a lot of the balloon. She usually has 5-8cc of water. I had only been using 2-3 over the past couple of weeks. So luckily with less water the balloon was a bit smaller. The doctor had just ordered a bigger size so we have another one coming too. So it could have been worse. It was still bad. I am so mad at myself for doing it. But it could have been worse.

Between Casey and Tim's tools I think I have done enough damage for one day. I think I will stay inside for the rest of the day. Casey has her first official water therapy tomorrow. I am sure she will love it. We will get lots of pics. As always, I hope everyone is doing well.