Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Almost Ready...

We had a full morning/afternoon today. Casey had a 10:AM appointment with general pediatric surgery.

The surgery appointment went really well. We just went in to meet the surgeon and establish a relationship.

Casey's GTube has still been really leaky. The surgeon suggested we try another type of tube to see if it helps. As far as needing to have surgery to have the tube redone, not right now. She said she may need it next year or the year after, but not right now. We have enough on our plate right now with Friday's surgery. I was really glad it doesn't need to be rushed.

After we left that appointment we went over to the main hospital. We grabbed lunch and took Casey to walk around the park areas outside. Then at 1:PM we met with anesthesia to prepare for Friday.

The anesthesia appointment was a little more stressful. Having to go over all the airway concerns, history, etc is always a mess. It started out with the doctor wanting to go a much different direction, but once he heard all of the facts he came over to our point.

Now we just have to wait. Casey has water therapy in the morning then the rest of the day to rest and get ready. Friday we will be up super early to get all of her medications and stuff done before we head to the hospital. Casey has to stop fluids pretty early since she is going to be put under. We are still very stressed about the first procedure in Austin, but I do feel a little better now that I know anesthesia gets it and knows what to expect.

I doubt I will post again before her surgery. I will try post Friday after we are back home. If we are too tired we may just go to bed and post in the morning. As always we hope everyone is well. We will post more details soon.

-The pictures are Casey at the butterfly wall. In the waiting area in surgery they have a projected image of butterflies. It's kind of cool, there is a sensor that picks up on stationary objects/shadows on the wall. So while Casey sat there and cast her shadow the butterflies would land on her outline. She really seemed to like. She yelled at us a bit after Maritza and I took her back to see the doctor.