Thursday, September 03, 2009

Busy Day

We had a meeting with our lawyer this morning. We have been working on setting up our wills, and a trusts for Casey and all that good stuff. Today was our final meeting. We had to go in, review all the final drafts, and sign a bunch of stuff. We decided to take Casey with us. The first half of the meeting went great. Casey was so calm and content to just hang out in her chair. Then about half way through I don't know if she just got bored, if it was too hot, not sure what caused it but Casey had had enough. She was so mad. Then a little later and she had a big wet diaper to go with it. We were very happy to sign the final paper and get her back home.

After we had been home for about 30 minutes Casey's nurse came in. She had just enough time to get all of Casey's vitals then help me load her back up. Casey had water therapy this afternoon. She did great today. Margaret was able to get some really good stretches with Casey's arms and legs. Casey yelled some, but overall she cooperated pretty well.

After therapy we got Casey loaded into the car, again, and started home. Before I pulled the van out of the parking spot Casey was sound asleep. She slept the entire way home. When we got back home I picked her up to carry her in to the house and she barely even noticed I was moving her. She was so worn out from her busy day. She slept for a good hour.

Shortly after Casey woke up a delivery person from a new vendor was here. We are trying out a local vendor for Casey's suction equipment. We got a new (stationary- not portable) machine for the bedroom. It is a little quieter. We will try it out tonight. There are a few items that they did not bring yet. If they get us the rest of our order soon and everything looks good we will stick with them.

Casey has been using the scopolamine patch for just over a week now. So far so good. She seems to be a bit drier and we are suctioning a little bit less. We still need to watch her for a little while, but so far so good.

That's about it for now. We are still working on nursing. We have one that is working 3 days a week. We still need to find one to pick up the other 2. I really hope to get this person in place and trained soon. We are also still waiting on Casey's therapists to set up the new schedules for this semester. As always, we hope everyone is doing well.