Sunday, November 01, 2009


We hope everyone had a fun Halloween this year. Casey has been having a hard few days. Her tummy has been upset up off and on since Thursday really early morning. She had 2 costumes this year. We were going to wear one on Thursday to water therapy then the other on Friday to OT. The costume she liked best she was going to wear again on Saturday for a play date we had planned.

We ended up canceling water therapy due to her tummy hurting. Then on Friday we found out that OT was not actually scheduled yet. Saturday she was doing a little better, but still had some tummy stuff off an on. We decided not to push her so we canceled her play date too. All 3 of her dress up events ended up not happening.

Last night we let her pick between the Purple witch or Minnie Mouse. She picked Minnie Mouse. We got her dressed up and she was doing pretty good. We got the camera and stuff out to take pictures and by the time we had everything ready she had a pee pee diaper. That was the end of the dress. She was done wearing. We had to get her diaper changed and out of the dress in order to calm her down. She HATES dirty diapers. After she calmed down we were able to get her to wear the ears a little longer so we got a few pictures.

We had a new nurse start with us on Wednesday. She was really nice. I tried so hard to make it work. She just didn't seem to fit what we need. It did not help that Casey wasn't feeling well. Either way though, she just wasn't the right nurse. We get really irritated when nurses won't listen. She refused to listen to anything I said. It was just getting more frustrating by the minute. I did not think Friday was ever going to end. She won't be coming back. Hopefully we can find someone soon.

Tim and I talked about the awful diapers some. We both think they are just the worst. We have decided that it is worth the extra cost to go back to the Pampers we used to have. We switched back yesterday. All of us are very happy with this change.

Maybe when Casey is feeling better she will let us get her back in costume for some more pics. Until then she will just be a naked Minnie Mouse :)