Monday, November 23, 2009


We are up then we are down, then up again, then down again. So stressful. Last Wednesday Casey had a wonderful xray. Then Thursday it looked collapsed again. Casey worked hard all weekend. Each day her xray looked a tiny bit better. On Sunday her xray looked a lot better. We expected this mornings xray to be awesome. We were all shocked when we heard it has gone back to collapsed. We will see what tomorrow brings.

Casey has been slowly going up in her food rate. The target is 25cc/hr. She is on 21 right now. They are going up 2 every 4 hours. She should be at her goal rate by morning. This is pretty big. Once she can get all her nutrition via tube we can stop some of her IVs. The only IV she will have left will be her morphine.

Casey had her CT done late today. We expect to hear the results some time tomorrow. There is talk (nothing planned yet) of another care conference before the long weekend. The plan is to get everyone back together to review all the tests/procedures from the past few days. Then we should be able to really set out a good plan for moving forward (both long and short term plans).

Right now the focus is still on her lungs. Other than the care conference there is not much more we will have this week. We expect it to be pretty quiet up here for the holiday.

We hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend. We will post more as we get results and plans.