Monday, September 20, 2010

Busy Girl

In our last post I mentioned that Casey's ear was finally getting better. I spoke too soon. It was getting better, then it took a turn for the worse. I think we are back on track now. I was hoping to post that it was healed and all is well, but sadly we are still dealing with a wound. We have our weekly checks while we are up at the hospital for therapy, then we go back to see the doctor in 2 months. Also later next week Casey has an appointment with a rehab specialist. This doctor will help us find ways to better prevent future skin break down. This may include special bedding, positioning needs, etc. I hope she can offer us some good ideas.

Casey had a good time at her Make-A-Wish wrap party a few weeks ago. Everyone was excited to see her. She LOVES to be the center of attention. When attention shifted to a presentation being done she took a nap. Don't worry, she woke up in time for everyone to tell her how glad they were that she made it. Such a silly girl :)

Last week Casey got to check out Music Therapy. I think she liked it. She was really tired. She did wake up enough to play one of her favorite songs on the guitar (with the therapists help of course). They knew all the 'Little Mermaid' songs and the 'Meatball' song. Very exciting stuff. We are working on some billing details. Hopefully we can get her in to this once a week after I get everything figured out.

This week we have a few things going on. Tomorrow we are meeting with some people from School for the Blind. We hope they can help us get hooked up with some vision and/or deaf blind services outside of school services.

Later this week Casey has her 6 month Ortho check-up. She has been getting really stiff arms/elbows. They can go over her recent xrays with us and let us know if there is anything going on.

Casey has been having issues with her AFO's again. This time her left foot is getting a rub mark. We have to go in for yet another adjustment. The pair she had made right after surgery in LA were so perfect. One fitting and they worked for 2 years. This new pair has been a mess. I am about ready to tell them to throw them out and start over.

Casey is scheduled to get her flu shot too. That is never fun. I hate taking her in for shots. Now that she has a big girl cry it is even harder than taking her in as a baby.

I think that is about it for this week. As always, we hope everyone is well.