Thursday, November 17, 2011

World Prematurity Day

It's hard to believe that just a little over 5 years ago Casey came into our lives. I can't imagine life with out her. Today is World Prematurity Day and I just wanted to write a little something for all of the other families that have, are or will find themselves in the NICU (a very scary place for ANYONE).

Doctor's did not give us much (none at all really) hope. The time that we spent in the NICU with Casey was terrifying, felt like it lasted an eternity, and was the most isolating lonely time. We never gave up hope, and our little miracle proved all the doctors wrong. She still has a lot of medical issues and challenges in her life, but she is very much alive. Her personality, her spirit, and even her diva attitude grow bigger every day. Our Casey is an inspiration to everyone that has ever heard her story.

I don't want to tell everyone it gets easier (it really doesn't). But you do learn to adapt. You redefine 'normal' and you adjust goals (yours and your child's). You learn who you can count on, and who you can not. I have learned to treasure EVERY moment. We celebrate little milestones everyday. We may never get to walk or talk, but we focus on what we can do and celebrate the heck out of those events.

To all of the wonderful parents, grandparents, friends, family, etc. out there to preemies and special needs kids, thanks for all you do.