Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Back to School

Casey is finally recovered enough to go back to school. I was hoping she would go yesterday, but we couldn't get her to stay awake. The antibiotic seems to have helped clear out her lungs some (we are still clearing out a little- but she is feeling much better). Now that she is finally able to get comfortable and sleep she had a lot of sleep to catch up on. Yesterday was a lazy lazy day. This morning she got dressed (against her wishes) and we took her to school. Once she was there she remembered that she likes school. Her teacher brought in a little tree for Casey to decorate for the classroom. Casey had a great time. When we got there to pick her up she was so proud to show it off.

I spent the weekend making fudge and getting little gift tins ready for all of her teachers. Most area schools are out on the 16th. I assumed Casey's school was out all next week as well. I was wrong- Casey has school next week. I had another week to get stuff ready. Oh well, at least I am done with teachers now. It leaves me some time to finish up everyone else.