Tuesday, December 06, 2011


Today Casey had a special treat. The movie theater that did her Make-A-Wish a while back has been great about letting us know when they get kid movies. We were all very excited when they told us the Muppet Movie was coming. The theater told us that the best times to come are Monday or Tuesday morning at the first viewing. Tim took off work and we let Casey skip school so we could all go see the movie today. Emily, Casey's nurse, came with us. The movie was great. Casey is not a big fan of previews, but once the singing started with the Muppets she was one happy girl. She stayed awake and alert through the whole thing (all 2 hours). I have to say, I am a big Muppet fan and I think I liked the movie as much as she did.

This afternoon Casey is not feeling well. I hope that getting her out in the cold this morning did not get her sick. She is resting now, and I hope that with some rest this afternoon she will be fine in the morning. She always likes to keep us on our toes.