Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Last week was a busy week for Casey. We expected with it being the week before Christmas that it would be slow, but we were wrong. Casey had school Monday and Tuesday. A dentist appointment on Wednesday. Casey saw the ENT and had therapy on Thursday and therapy on Friday.

Casey loves going to the dentist. She always gets excited when we tell her we are going. She did great (as always). The dentist told us that her bottom 4 teeth were all loose and ready to come out. She said that she expected them to fall out by the new year. I thought she was crazy. Turns out she was right. Casey lost 2 today. The first fell out on it's own. Then the second was really loose. Casey kept sticking her tongue out playing with it. Each time she did it fell further and further forward. It was just dangling there and she was making such a drooly mess. I ended up reaching in and it came right out when I touched it. Both teeth are safely tucked under her pillow waiting for the Tooth Fairy now. She is not supposed to grow up this fast!

I'll post more on the ENT appointment later. I have to go make sure that we are on the list for the Tooth Fairy tonight :)