Tuesday, March 12, 2013

No More Cast!!!

Casey had her cast removed yesterday.  She was not real happy about getting another xray.  The xray process is always so hard on her.  People never seem to understand that she does not bend and can't be positioned the way they want her.  We got through it though and her foot is healed.  We officially came home with a new diagnosis as well.  Not a surprise.  This diagnosis is something we have been dealing with for years, we just did not have the official diagnosis on her chart until now.  It will not change our care plan at all.  Casey has what is called Osteopenia.  It is basically brittle bones from lack of use as opposed to Osteogenesis Imperfecta(OI) which is a genetic brittle bone disease or Osteoporosis which is more common with older individuals.  Casey's list of diagnosis grows pretty much every year.  Some years we just add 1 or 2 new things (and sometimes minor things) where other years we add many more and/or more serious issues.  Long story short, we were kind of expecting this one to be added.  As long as her cast is off and her foot is fine all is well.  We have a few appointments over the next week.  We'll try to get another update for everyone soon.  Hopefully we will finally have pictures of the long awaited wheelchair to share too.