On Facebook it is pretty common to see people post "days of thanks". Each day from November 1st through Thanksgiving they will post something for which they are thankful. I like to read these, but I don't usually post them myself. It's been a rough year for us and I am feeling especially thankful right now so I thought I would do my own "day of thanks" here instead.
I think it goes without question that I am thankful for my beautiful daughter and my amazing husband. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful family that fills my heart. They are my whole world and until them I did not know how completely I really could love someone.
I am thankful for all of our family and friends. Raising a daughter like Casey requires a lot of help. We have a support system that keeps us going. Whether it is someone just picking up the phone when I need to vent, meeting me or Tim for lunch or happy hour when we need a break or picking me up from an appointment so Tim can stay home with Casey when we don't have a nurse. People being there when we need them means a lot to us.
I am thankful for my other special needs parent friends (that's a mouth full). They "get me" in ways others try to, but just can't. Some of these friends I know in person others I know online, but you all hold a very special place in my heart.
I am thankful for our home health nurses. We have had some that were not so great over the years, but when we find the good ones they make life so much easier. They love Casey as if she were their own and are there to help out when we need them most. I can call them when they are not here if I have a question, some come by just to visit, and they have all become like family to us. Being able to leave our house and know that Casey is safe and in good hands is a huge deal to us and something we will never take for granted.
I am thankful for the top notch team of doctors that care for Casey every day. I can call or email them day or night and they all make it a priority to get back to me right away. We jokingly say Casey gets VIP treatment at doctors, but she kind of does. They get her in without long waits, they call and check up on her, they work together to make sure that she is getting the treatment, supplies, etc that she needs. They also go to bat with insurance companies to make sure that everything is covered.
I am thankful for Casey's therapists and teachers. She has one therapist that she has been working with for years and she is more like an aunt to Casey than her PT. After moving we got a new set of home therapists and teachers that have so far been really great. Her new teacher is very patient and modifies her lessons to things that interest Casey.
I am thankful for our DMEs. Some I have better things to say about than others, but they provide us with the supplies and equipment we need to keep Casey home, healthy and safe. We have one driver that goes out of his way to make sure Casey is taken care of. When we change her order, or if they mess something up he will call us before he leaves the shop to make sure that we asked for the change and if not, he finds what's missing and gets it right. Efforts like his, and the personal touch that some of our DMEs offer brighten our days.
I am thankful for many people for the different roles that they play in our lives. Aside from people I am also thankful for all of the equipment we use every day that has enabled us to keep Casey at home and well. I am thankful for the coffee and chocolate that get us through long nights and rough days. I am thankful for our adapted van that makes traveling with Casey so much easier (on all of us). I am thankful for Casey's iPad that brings her so much joy, and for My Little Ponies for the same reason. I am thankful for Tim's tools. He is so content working in his shop, and he makes some pretty cool stuff too. I am thankful for the internet. On days when I can't leave Casey's side (home or in the hospital) it helps me stay connected to the rest of the world.
I am also thankful for all of you reading this. There are so many people that follow Casey's journey and keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Whether I know you or not, I appreciate your kindness and that you keep Casey in your hearts. If I don't get a chance to post again before next week, I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.