We are getting ready for Christmas around here. Casey has been feeling a lot better. She still only has a little energy, so we have to limit what we do, but she is getting there. Last weekend we had our second annual Special Needs Christmas party. She had a good time and got to see some friends, sing songs, and of course see Santa.
There are times when she does things just like every other 7 year old girl. These things may be complaining when we brush her hair, or her latest is adding new things to her wish list every time we ask. These are little things, but they always make my day.
This weekend we were snuggling on the couch out at home watching TV when we heard sirens getting louder and louder. Then we heard Christmas carols. I put Casey on the couch and went to see what was going on. It was so cool. There was a fire truck driving through with Santa on back tossing candy and waving to all the kids in the neighborhood. Casey thought it was pretty cool (and a great chance to add more to her list). We are so happy that we moved. We have met some of our neighbors and so far everyone has been so wonderful.
We are going to get some labs this week to make sure that Casey's iron is holding strong. Other than that it should be a pretty slow week. Christmas day we plan to just have a casual day with some local friends and family. The Saturday after Christmas all of my family is coming in to do a big family dinner and celebration. I am sure Casey will enjoy spending time with all of her cousins again.
We wish all of you a very merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year!