I saw a show on the Food Network that showed a "Buche de Noel". Basically a french dessert that is made to look like a Yule log. Tim found one at a local bakery for us to have with our Holiday treats.
We have been finishing up all of our appointments with all of Casey's different specialists. Our last one was on Thursday with Casey's Pulmonologists. He actually has a former colleague that is practicing in Austin now. That worked out great. We have put in all of the request for Casey's medical records to go to our new address. Hopefully they will be getting there around the same time as us.
This last week here I need to get my own medical records as well as Tim's, and finish up getting all of Casey's new therapies in place. We have already put in our forward request for mail. It just seems so surreal that this time next week I will already be well on my way to Austin.
Our apartment looks like a bomb went off. We have boxes and stacks of stuff everywhere. We have been selling tons of stuff too. We don't need to take our washer, dryer, fridge or microwave so rather than moving them we have put them all on Craig's List. The microwave went quickly. We use our oven for everything now. I made Lean Pockets for lunch the other day. In the microwave, 2 minutes. In the oven, 30 minutes. Our washer and dryer went on Friday. I will have to make a trip to a laundry mat later this week. I don't remember the last time I had to do that.
Tim's brother and his family come in to town on Tuesday. I am really looking forward to seeing them. Casey will have a great time with her cousins here to play with. I have not seen the kids since our wedding. It will be really nice to have them in town for a few days.
I am very excited to be getting back to Texas. I have been very homesick from time to time. Even still, this move is a lot harder than I expected it to be. I was trying to figure out why this morning and I think I get it. We have been in this apartment for 4 years. A lot has happened while living here. We got engaged, married, pregnant, and had Casey all while living here. Even though there are many things I really won't miss about this apartment, leaving the place where Tim and I started our family is hard. It will be worth it though. We will be able to give Casey so much more in Austin. That's all that really matters.
We hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and will have a safe and happy New Year. And for all of you in Austin, we will see you soon!