Wednesday we took Casey into her Ortho appointment to get her cast off. Her feet came out really good. The doctor was very happy. The skin looks awful from being in cast for 10 weeks, and it is really stinky, but that's all expected. After the cast came off Casey was fitted into her leg/ankle braces. She has to wear them 12 hours a day. Luckily they are super cute.
After we got home from Ortho we ate a quick dinner, packed our bags and hit the road. It's just over 2 hours from our house to San Diego. Casey was so tired from a busy day and slept most of the way. She woke up about 20 miles out and was a little fussy. Overall the trip there went really great.
Tim had some meetings he had to take after we checked in, then we took it easy until check out today. After checkout we drove over to Mexico. It was about 20 miles from the hotel to the clinic. Casey was wide awake and taking it all in.

We had to wait around for 15-20 minutes after the injection then we left for home. I am not sure what is going on in Mexico but for some reason all of the roads back to the US were blocked. Tim said that we may never get out of Mexico. After more than an hour of trying I was starting to think he may be right. Finally, and by accident, we ended up in a very long very slow line of cars that eventually crossed back into Cali. Casey was so good. She started to get hungry and had a wet diaper right when we were about to cross. We stopped after getting through the border mess to grab a bite, change Casey and hook up her food. She went to sleep and slept most of the way home. We hit some bad rain about 20 miles from home. Luckily it was only for a few miles then it let up to a drizzle.
It is nice to be back home. I think I will wash Casey's stinky feet (again) brush her stinky breath and get her to bed. It has been a long 2 days. Thanks again to everyone!