Casey did really well on the trip. We made it to Austin by Monday afternoon. We expected the trip to take much longer, but she did better than we ever expected. Sunday was a really long day. About 45 minutes before we were able to stop Casey let us know she was done being in the car. We all were by this point, so I can't say I blame her for getting fussy. Other than that, she was a little angel the entire time.
Monday night I stayed with Casey at the house while everyone else went to get Megan's stuff. While they were out Casey spiked a pretty high fever (103). Over the next couple of days we had to keep her pretty drugged up to fight off more fevers. We took her to see her new pediatrician on Thursday morning. He was really concerned about her fever, and they did all kinds of tests. After blood work, x-rays, and all that good stuff they determined that Casey had pneumonia. We were able to convince them that she would be better at home with medication than at a hospital. We agreed to take her in if anything became worse. We brought her home and she has been taking pretty strong antibiotics since. She seems to be feeling a little better. We plan to let her continue to rest/recover while she finishes up her meds. We take her back for a follow up next week.
Over the next many weeks Casey will be meeting all of her new doctors. I am very hopeful that they will all be really good with her. We worked really hard to get referrals and researched all of the new team. We have an appointment at the house next week to meet the new team of therapists as well.
We have a few more busy weeks ahead. Tim has to go to India for the last week in January. Hopefully we can find some time to get a little more settled before he has to leave. We really like the new house. It is really nice to be back in Austin and near family and friends. I am sure once we meet all of the new doctors and therapists we will be able to start getting back on schedule.
I hope we get a chance to see everyone in Texas soon. It's good to be back :)