We are finally getting a little closer to being settled into our new home. The first 2 weeks were pretty rough. We were all so sick we used all of the very little energy we had to do a little unpacking. We spent the rest of our days coughing, wheezing and sleeping. We wanted to see family and friends, but we just couldn't. Once we finally got over the nasty bug we had to start getting back on schedule. Tim had a ton of work to do this past week to get ready for his trip to India. In addition to his work we also had to get as much done around the house as possible since he won't be here for a week. If that wasn't enough to keep us busy we are also getting ramped up with a full month of appointments for Casey.
We have seen Casey's new pediatrician twice. We start in with all of her specialist this week. We have Neuro & GI this week. I think ENT the week after. The week after that we see Pulmonary. Then in March we go to Houston to see her new Ortho. Most of her new specialist work in the Dell Children's Hospital.
While we are at the new hospital meeting all of the new team we need to swing by the NICU & PICU. We are going to try and find a new respit nurse from one of the ICU teams. It is going to be really hard to find a new nurse.
Tim had to miss the party. His cab came to take him to the airport about 30 minutes before my grandparents came. He is still traveling now. He left here around 11:30 Saturday and will probably get to his hotel in India around 3:PM today. He will get back on Friday. Casey is already missing him a lot. Last night she kept rolling over to his spot in the bed. She would look for him for a little while then come back to my and bury her face in arm and go back to sleep. She must have woken up looking for her daddy at least half a dozen times. It was really sweet, and heart breaking all at the same time. When he is in the bed she never rolls over like that, so I positive she was looking for her dad. I would guess he is missing her just as much. Of course I miss him too, but that's a little different. She is going to go crazy when he gets home on Friday.
We have a busy week, if I get a chance I will post after we meet the new doctors. If not I will post after Tim gets back with doctors updates as well as updates about his trip.