I don't even know where to begin with this post. Today was an amazing day for all of us. We were invited to a little party at DFA (the company where I used to work). It was really nice to see some of my old co-workers, and meet many of the new employees. The company has really been growing. After we had a few minutes to say hello and introduce some of the new faces they had us come up to the front of the room. Paul Wise (the CTO) presented Casey with a check. Many people through out the office had donated their own money and the group ended up raising a lot of money. They gave Casey a check for nearly $8600. We were shocked. What a fantastic group of people. I just can not even begin to express how much this means to us. Thank you so much to everyone at DFA.

Shortly after the presentaion the fire alarm went off and they evacuated the building. It was really hot outside so we loaded up the car so Casey could sit in the AC while we waited for the parking lot to clear. Casey must have been excited to meet everyone and wore herself out. As soon as we got her into her car seat she crashed. She slept most of the way home.
One of the girls I used to work with invited my sister to come as well. It was nice that Megan was able to get out of work and be there as well.
Tim is going to order Casey's chair tomorrow. With the money we had already raised added to this donation we are now able to get Casey everything she needs and still leave some in her savings account to go toward our next stem cell trip later this year.
I just can not say thank you enough to everyone. Not just to everyone that has helped financially, but everyone who has helped in any way. Thoughts, prayers, well wishes, everything. It is so comforting for us know how many people out there care and are pulling for our little princess. We are just so lucky to have so many wonderful people in our lives.

Casey had a party on Saturday too. My mom, grandparents and my mom's husband-to-be came in to town to celebrate my mom's birthday. Casey loves visitors. She seemed to have a good time. After everyone left she was wiped out. She slept better than she had in a long time. Next time we see my mom and John they will be married.
We finally have some prospective respite nurses. It would be great if we find a good match soon. We also have ENT this week. I will post later this week with updates on the nurse search and new doctor. I imagine it will take a few weeks to get Casey's chair. As soon as we get it we will be sure to post lots of pictures. Thank you again, more than I can ever express.