We meet with Casey's eye doctor next week then ortho at the end of the month. That will be the entire team of doctors. It will be really nice to have all the initial meetings done finally.
Casey loves to watch UFC with her daddy. We had plans to go to some friends house on Saturday for this months fight. However, Casey started getting fussy early Saturday morning and spent most of the day crying and worked up. Shortly before noon she got a bit of a fever as well. We got the fever down but decided to keep her home to rest instead. Tim went with out us. Hopefully Casey will be able to see next months fight. She fell asleep around 7:PM that night after the drugs kicked in and pretty much slept until 6ish Sunday morning.
On Sunday Casey was feeling much better. She had a little friend come over, Anjali. Anjali is about 7 months younger than Casey. Casey loves when people come over to play. She watches and listens and has a good time. A lot of our friends here in Austin have little ones so Casey should have a lot of fun playing with all the kidos.
We are trying to get her room done this month so it will be all ready when family comes into town for her birthday in April. We have picked a day for the party, but I don't have any additional details yet.