Monday, February 28, 2011

Long Week

Last week was a long one. Casey woke up around 3:30 AM Monday morning with a 102.8 fever. Ugh! I went in and helped her night nurse start pushing Tylenol & Motrin. We were able to get it down to about 100, but we could not get it back to normal.

When her doctor opened @8:30 we called to see about getting Casey an appointment. They were able to see her @11:30. We kept pushing medicine (as often as they are allowed). In addition to a cool rag and a fan she seemed to be a little more comfortable right when we were heading to the doctor.

The doctor ran a few tests (strep & flu) then sent us for chest x-rays. Everything came back negative and clean. The doctor called Monday evening with results and determined it must be viral.

Everyday last week we were up at 3:30. I think we went through an entire bottle of Tylenol. Luckily no more 102.8 fevers. I think we saw a few 101's, but mostly we were 99-100. Finally this weekend Casey seemed to be feeling a little better. Until Saturday she did not want to do anything other than cuddle. Saturday she played a little and stayed awake most of the day. 3:30 came and went Sunday morning without a peep. Casey slept until about 5. That is still early, but so much better than 3:30. This morning she slept until almost 6.

I think this week will be much better. Casey should be able to get back to her routine, and hopefully everyone can get some sleep.

That's about it for now. As always, we hope everyone is well.