Friday, February 18, 2011


Casey has been doing well. She has been on a princess kick over the past 6 months or so. I think she has decided she IS a princess. It's pretty cute.

There is not much to report. Casey has been keeping busy with her therapies. No recent doctor appointments. We did have to get her AFO's adjusted (again). During this adjustment they mentioned if we have to go back again soon that it may be time to talk about having them remade.

Casey's nurses are all doing well. It is nice to be back on a normal schedule. Her day nurses are taking off during Spring Break, but it is just 1 week.

Casey got a new switch. This one is called a Mercury Switch. We stuck it to a wrist band so it will fit Casey. It doesn't work for all of her toys. For the toys and tools it does work with, it seems to work well. We are still getting used to it.

That's about it for now. We have a meeting with the school in a few weeks. Other than that we are just keeping busy. We hope everyone is doing well.