Wednesday, April 03, 2013

A Little Better

This morning started out a bit rough after a really long night. I laid down to get some sleep while Tim sat with Casey. I was so happy to wake up to a much happier baby. I think she just wanted some daddy time.

She was still a little restless, but settled down and got some rest from 9-11ish. Sadly right as she settled down she had a visitor (her friend Marion's family). I wish we could have visited, but we had to decline since she just got to sleep.

Later this morning/early afternoon she had a few more visitors ( in addition to a constant stream of doctors, nurses & therapist). Aunt Megan and Cappy came by to see how she is doing. Emily, her nurse, came by with a surprise (balloons, pony toys and a bear) from some of the staff at our home health agency. She was so tired that you could see the excitement in her eyes, but she didn't have the energy to say much. Thank you Emily, Ely, Holly and Jennifer.

We just received a stack of cards sent to her as well. Thank you Lockes, Ghoshes & Nedrows.

Casey rested during most of the morning. She woke up about an hour ago and has been watching her ponies. Her team is staying on top of her pain meds and things are going better today. They are going to start some iv nutrition this evening. Her new tube site needs to heal before we can feed her with the j tube. It will be a few days. Between now and then we are just focused on keeping her comfortable.

Thank you all again for the continued thoughts & prayers (for Casey's little friend Guili too). We really appreciate all of the support & we are very fortunate to have such amazing family & friends.