Thursday, April 04, 2013

Long Day

Casey had a rough night again last night and it bled into the morning & afternoon. They increased her morphine again and added a sedative to help to the edge off as needed. Those seem to be helping.

Since we have to wait on the new tube to heal before we can use it Casey has been getting her nutrition through an IV. IV's are tricky with Casey's complex little body. They usually only last 24-36 hours and are very hard to place. She got one in pre-op and a second one during her surgery Tuesday. Those failed today and a 3rd IV was placed. For various reasons, she now has to get a special kind of IV called a PICC (you may remember we have tried this unsuccessfully before). The PICC team again could not find a vein big enough so they called in the nicu (infants) PICC team. They gave it a good try, but it did not work. Casey will have to go to interventional radiology under sedation sometime tomorrow to have it done with real-time imaging. We don't have all the details yet.

We are hoping for a better night with the new meds. Thanks again for the continued thoughts & prayers.